Carrie S. Young, SRP Senior Director, Corporate Operations Services, to receive the Positively Powerful Global Leadership Award

by May 25, 2016

Carrie S. Young, a multi-faceted leader with decades of experience impacting individuals in the corporate sector, community service arena, and United States Air Force, will receive the Positively Powerful Global Leadership Award this June 25. Selected for her unwavering commitment to the inclusion of veterans, minorities, and women in business and technology circles, Ms. Young also exemplifies a truly global character through her 20 years of service in leadership positions with the Air Force.

Designed to empower not only the recipients but also women and men worldwide through the honorees and ceremony proceedings, the Positively Powerful Global Leadership Award is reserved for an individual who embodies the very best, most selfless approach to touching lives globally. There are no national or community borders for this type of individual. Ms. Young has proven herself time and time again a true community servant, not affected by socioeconomic classes or outside influences.

Ms. Young devoted 20 years of her life to perfecting, coordinating, and bettering the United States Air Force in System Analysis. She led several project teams for both classified and unclassified projects and earned numerous awards and honors throughout her tenure including the Meritorious Service Awards, 56th OSS Outstanding Woman of the Year, and 56th OSS Noncommissioned Officer of the Year. Ms. Young applied her extensive education, a Master’s Degree in Information System Engineering from Western International University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Chapman University, to her leadership roles with the United States Air Force.

Women’s interest and participation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields today is staggeringly low, which is what makes Ms. Young an even rarer gem.

carrie young srpWomen’s interest and participation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields today is staggeringly low, which is what makes Ms. Young an even rarer gem. Her longtime commitment to information analysis and computer science development has followed her throughout her career, landing her as the Senior Director of Corporate Operations Services at Salt River Project (SRP). It is there that Ms. Young truly harnessed her inner calling for developing veterans’ initiatives. Currently the Executive sponsor of SRP Veterans (SRPVETS), an SRP employee interest group focused on leadership culture and promoting the understanding of military culture, Ms. Young is able to coordinate and participate in veterans fundraising, Madison Street Veteran programs, clothing drives, partner with Luke Air Force Base cookie drive for deployed veterans, Operation American Patriots, Patriot Guard Riders, Adopt-A-Troop, and Honor Flight volunteer.

Ms. Young’s community outreach doesn’t end there. She also works tirelessly to ensure women stand a chance to get hired and attain leadership positions at SRP. She upholds the highest diversity standard with the makeup of the business body and stands up for minority inclusion at every decision-making level.

Ms. Young is a true visionary with a passion. Her decades of commitment to service for something greater than herself has undoubtedly landed her in a position to oversee veterans, women, business, supplier diversity and minority development at SRP.

It is for these accomplishments, and many others, that Ms. Young is the perfect Honoree for the Positively Powerful Global Leadership Award.

Join us in honoring Ms. Carrie S. Young and our other recipients at the 9th annual Positively Powerful Woman Awards, Halle Heart Museum, Tempe, AZ, June 25th 5pm to 9pm. Register and learn more by clicking here. The event is open to the public. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, click here.

2016 Positively Powerful Woman Awards Sponsors

cox communications
ABC 15
A Joyous Event