Finding your edge is understanding the boundaries of your comfort zone. Being on the edge produces at least two emotional responses, uncertainty and fear being the most common. Taking a risk is usually not dangerous but our brain has difficulty distinguishing the difference.  When we’ve decided to explore the boundaries of what we feel comfortable about we know we have choices and so while we might experience fear it is in part our own choosing. We just need to inform our brain as to what is really going on. Our fear is really a risk that we are contemplating. It is mentally challenging but not physically dangerous. We feel somewhat in control.

Being on the Edge:  Telling the difference between Risk and Danger

beyond the edge and dangeriousWe  recently and unexpectedly encountered a rattlesnake in our backyard in an area that we visit just about every day without ever thinking that there could be something there that we did not know was there (our comfort zone). After a few minutes and a reorientation (fear and uncertainty)  we begin to systematically think about our next steps. Was this a risk or dangerous situation?

  1. Without panicking, we moved as quickly as possible away from the snake’s striking distance, making sure not to startle it. Remove ourselves from the danger.
  2. Let everyone who was around know of the possible danger. Be responsible.
  3. Find an expert, someone who knows how to remove a rattlesnake without causing it or anyone else harm. Find a good solution and eliminate the danger.

Being on the edge and leaving your comfort zone is something very different even if the emotion is similar to being in danger. Examples that we remember and recovered from include:

  1. Over the edge risky investmentAsking or being asked for a dance as a teenager
  2. Asking for a promotion or raise
  3. That new and trending hairstyle or platform shoes
  4. That car you couldn’t afford
  5. Your first Zipline

Finding your edge, taking a risk and recovering supports us in being bigger and better human beings, enabling us to take on our dreams and vision to completion.