Grace Lee Boggs "re-imagine" the world

Grace Lee Boggs, 1915 – 2015

To Re-Imagine or to create a new conception

We are resistant to change, while the earth moves forward through space at one thousand miles per hours, changing every second of every mile  that goes by, we have changed as well.

We are resistant to change because we can’t imagine the world being any different than how we see it. We have obscured our vision for the future and we dream mostly only about the past. But it is in our and your dreams about tomorrow that will make the difference for occurrences  yet to be. Whatever your thoughts are about your community, your government, your country re-imagine them in ways that might work best for everyone and then share your dreams.

When we talk about dreams, let’s talk about what is possible and something we care enough about to ensure that it happens.

Here is a video of  Grace Lee Boggs at age 97 making the case for re-imaging what is possible. “If we don’t do it who knows what will happen to this planet” Grace Lee Boggs.
