hands on ledgeOkay, everyone is saying write your new year’s resolution, create the vision map, etc. etc. probably my-own-coach-self included.

In this message, my coaching is to “LET GO!” I am thinking about reading articles that tell me once again that anyone who considers themselves to have with a “bad habit” can conquer it. We can change our habits that don’t work. Sure it is easier said than done — perhaps.

As we begin the new year, let’s consider the habits we want to break, the people we don’t want to be around anymore, the beliefs that just don’t do us any good, the thoughts we’ve gotta interrupt. The change we want for ourselves. And if the belief that I’ve just triggered is “others come first”, whoa!

Many of us wish for better relationships, financial security, weight issues conquered and better health. Let’s take a pledge to 1) be aware of the automatic responses we make – that’s an indication of a habit, 2) notice the sour taste in our mouth when we are around him or her, 3) the stress that concerns any particular wish, want, need or desire, let’s take them on! New Year. New Me-style. Change begins from the inside out, not the outside in. We gotta wanna…Then declare it, find an accountability partner if your habit is to keep promises to others but not to yourself or you believe, “I don’t make promises because I might break them”. (Stop! Those are a “let go”.)

Let’s be real, aware, read, watch, communicate and learn with purpose! Let’s adopt new practices — ways we will continue until they become The New Habit or get jettisoned for another practice that we will continue.

Consider who must you release from your life?  What habits break? What beliefs let go of? What organizations dis-associate yourself from? And yes, what risks take to have a freer, joyful, new you in the new year mind, body and spirit?

Happy New You! I’ll be right there with you, letting go.