The future just doesn’t happen. You and I event it.

This is not entirely true. In our waking dream state, we at times are able to catch a glimpse of where we are heading and it is at this point of our dream that we are able to participate in the creation of what is next. It is believed that we spend 25% of active day daydreaming. Daydreaming is not slacking off, it is a part of the envisioning process that we all go through. Sometimes we discover new opportunities that support our vision of the future.

The future (tomorrow) as it comes to be for us is not inevitable. We have the choice to participate in creating our future or not participating and living in someone else’s version of what’s next.

When I am working with large groups of people, one of the questions that I am asked is “how can I become a better leader”  and my answer almost always is to be a leader, have a vision that people want to support.

Do you have a question you need an answer to? Lets’ talk.


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