Many people ask me “what is transformation”? For me, in a personal way it is the word that best expresses the way I saved my  life. It is the label I give my gift, my passion, my calling. This word is what makes me happy. And that is because of the feelings attached to it when I first heard it and experienced it in a personal large group training program. Before then I was unaware. That was in 1986.

With the advancement of my profession, and that training industry, a lot of new word blurring tags have been added to the word transformation – even a profitable movie franchise and a line of toys. For me, it will always mean the creation of a new way of being, a new context. What is context? It is a word for expressing paradigm, belief system, the set of interpretations out which we live our life, dream about what’s possible and create results.

desert transformationWithin the context, are the contents that naturally exist within that context. For example, I live in Arizona where it is hot and a desert environment (context). What exists naturally within that environment? Rattle snakes, cactus, scorpions, etc. While one might grow a cactus anywhere, in order for it to survive, the conditions that are natural to it must be provided. Too much water, the cactus dies.

How does this work with people? if you were taught that anything was possible for you (context) and you believed that, you would act out that context on your job, in your marriage, relationships, (contents), etc. guided by your context. Another example, if you were told repeatedly that you were never going to amount to anything, that you were too fat or dumb, etc. that belief would become “true” to you and that would be your context. And the content of your life would follow that system of beliefs. Change your context you change your life. I did.

There is this expression about transformation from Eric Butterworth, Author, Discover the Power Within You: “The caterpillar can fly, but not as a caterpillar – only as a butterfly. (She) has the potential, but something has to happen to (her)…. As the caterpillar changes its embodiment. It enters a new world. Suddenly, there is a whole new set of principles at work and (she) releases a whole new potentiality.”

And this from Romans 12:2
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”