The fact is you already have a personal brand. The question is, are you aware of it or not? Does how you have intentionally or unintentionally branded yourself work for you or not. Does your brand called “Me” attract Relationships? Access? Career advancement? Does it give you the quality of life and results you want? Or does it do the opposite?

Included in your branding are things that can’t be seen – the ways that people feel around you, the way your core values show up in your behaviors. It can also be visible, who you work with and for, how you talk, your facial expressions and body language, how you deal with stress and how you do business.

The way that you work, your sense of humor or lack of it…These are a few of the many invisibles and visibles that create a subtle but well-defined personal brand identity and image.

Your personal brand is what your peers think of you when they hear your name. And it is also what those you most want to influence and make a difference with say about you when you are not in the room. On what side of the decision is your name mentioned? Can do or can’t do the job.

Your values, integrity, work ethic and performance are at the top of this list for a solid personal brand.