Leadership, I Lead Out.

I lead out at ohio state university Recently I spoke to the Ohio State University Alumni Association. It was great to be able to contribute to this diverse group of men and women representing my “Go Buckeyes!” roots. My theme was “Giving to Get and Getting to Give.” I received a standing ovation. As a speaker, I asked myself “how was I being and what was I saying?” that brought them to their feet.

Please Find Me

In my speech, I asked them, “How would your life be if you hadn’t gone to college?” I praised today’s poets. I included quotes that inspire me. I shared how many $ millions people of color are donating to education (contrary to what is seen on the 5 O’Clock News). I gave props to generational differences.

But what I believe touched them the most was passionately asking them to …

“IMAGINE a standing in front of you is a future Nobel laureate, they are saying to you: Please find me! And assist me in going to college, even if I don’t know that I need to be there. I have a dream worth living and I can’t see how I can get there without you. Please find me. Or there is a young artist, Please find me. Be my mentor, show me how, I’m willing to learn. I’m smart. You should see what I can do with a video game. Please find me. Or another, I don’t know if I will live to see 20. Please find me and show me how I can be the next genius Rapper, Inc. without losing my soul or my life. Please find me before it is too late.

It is not a burden it is a gift and a get to. We give to get a better world. To give someone a fresh start. To leave a legacy. Giving to get and getting to give is one of the attributes of leadership. The word education is based on the Latin word educo = I lead out.