Having to make a decision can be tough work. Making choices is even more difficult. I am one of those people who see decisions as something that is brought to me and choices as something that is in me to take some action … or not. We don’t necessarily think deeply about the choices we are about to make, and we should. The things that haunt you and I are the choices that we wish we hadn’t made. The choices that were made absent-mindlessly. Like that tweet, released.

Here is my cheat sheet on Making Choices.

  1. Choose from the goal you have in mind. Then do it.
  2. If fear steps in after the choice, do your best to follow through anyway. Fear is just a feeling.
  3. A choice is something that is yours, no one can take it away from you. “It is not what you call me, it is what I answer to” is one of my favorite quotes about a choice.

If you are up to something (goals, vision, dream, etc.) and we all are, let your choices be consistent with what you say you are about, the story you tell in your imagination about the future you want to live.

Need help to align your STORY with your LIFE? Does any of the following ring true for you? Then let’s talk:

  • Life is good but I expected more.
  • I’ve lost the rhythm, I can no longer hear the music in my life.
  • I’m the best at what I do at work, but does it really matter?
  • Could a coach help navigate through all of “this”?

Being rigorous or mindful about our choices does not take away our spontaneity or creativity.