focus on contribution

To think that diversity isn’t something special and important is like putting your head in the sand. What it means and how it impacts business success, continues to produce scientific, quantitative and qualitative results that prove it’s real and really important.

Diversity is like the building blocks of an organization. Inclusion is the glue that holds these blocks together. With the advance of technology, science,  demographics, it is a wonderful structure that a workforce gets to continue building together as a high performing team of aligned leaders and individual contributors. 

Diversity is what you can see. Someone’s race, cultural practices, gender, age, etc. It is also what you can’t see. What they believe, How they think. What they find fulfilling. How they want to be treated to do their best work. Diversity is a wonderful glorious fact of life, to be celebrated, respected, and protected.

“Diversity, it turns out, goes to the heart of how to do research and innovation effectively. In the scientific literature, it is clear that diversity speaks directly to the quality and effectiveness of teams.” Katherine W. Phillips. Scientific American