Screen Shot 2013-04-17 at 11.45.32 AMThis post comes courtesy of THE SPRING 2013 ISSUE OF MOSAIC: A SOUTHWEST AIRLINES COMMUNITY OUTREACH PUBLICATION

ARIZONA FOUNDATION FOR WOMEN (AFW) starts the new year with the announcement of a new CEO, Alisa Chatinsky. Based in Phoenix, Arizona, the mission of the Foundation is to promote innovative solutions to fulfill the unmet needs of Arizona’s women and children.

Last year, AFW donated $283,000 to women in need through grants to multiple direct-service organizations. In her leadership role, Alisa will focus on Live & Learn, a job training program to help domestic violence victims attain economic self sufficiency; Training Resources United to Stop Trafficking (TRUST) in Arizona to respond to sex trafficking of minors, as well as other projects to raise awareness and support women and children in Arizona.

Jackie Thompson, Southwest Airlines Community Affairs & Grassroots Manager is the newly appointed AFW chair. (Emphasis added.) “The entire board is excited to have Alisa’s enthusiasm and passion about improving the lives of women,” said Jackie. AFW works to assure the Safety, Health, and Economic security of every Arizona woman through public awareness, grant making, and research. We believe SHE Counts!

goldieThe organization was founded in 1995 by Marilyn Seymann and will be celebrating the 18th Annual Luncheon on May 17, 2013. This year’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipient is Goldie Hawn. Past recipients include First Lady Barbara Bush and Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright. Southwest Airlines has supported the Arizona Foundation for Women for more than five years and is proud to support an organization that changes lives, one family at a time.

For more information on the Arizona Foundation for Women Luncheon and to register, please click here.