A Positively Powerful Woman’s Delightful Evening: PPWA Year 11

A Positively Powerful Woman’s Delightful Evening: PPWA Year 11

Pauline Sandell

Pauline Sandell

A delightful evening, the décor, the ambiance of the evening at DBG was the perfect backdrop to an evening of elegant celebration, inspiration, and fun. All the ingredients of a meticulously orchestrated event flowed seamlessly, generating an atmosphere of warmth, friendliness, inclusiveness, and belonging. It appeared that every detail was considered to achieve and accommodate that atmosphere, worked perfectly The fusion of orange and fuschia color theme – representative of desert sunset tones – radiantly complimented the DBG.setting was a brilliant stroke of inspiration.
Joy Johnson, Event Director, A Joyous Event Planning & Management, LLC

Joy Johnson, Event Director, A Joyous Event Planning & Management, LLC

On entering the venue, one was greeted by the sound of Ricky Richardson’s lovely music, just before seeing the drinks tables draped with tablecloths of fuschia and orange elegantly knotted to keep them from being lifted off the tables by the gentle wind, which got underneath and fanned them out beautifully. It seemed to me that this very first impression created by this beautiful, peaceful and welcoming scene set a quiet, yet definitively peaceful, embracing tone for the evening ahead. As people began to arrive, there was ease of access to avail themselves a cool refreshing drink at either of the two drink stations, able to mingle before the event began. There was an atmosphere of camaraderie in the courtyard as participants registered, met each other as returning participants recognized and greeted each and new ones introduced themselves to each other, already setting the scene for a mutually light hearted feeling to the evening. At the appropriate time, guests were invited to enter Dorrance Hall to witness the glamorous decorative tradition of the Powerfully Powerful Women’s Award celebration. The look provided a bright and dramatic welcome to a fun-filled, friendly and “welcoming” evening. The décor was quietly, welcoming and elegantly stunning.

Keynote In her keynote address, Dr. Joel Martin drew the audience into the spirit of inclusivity through first introducing us to her late mother with and a black and white photo showing an elegantly and stylishly dressed woman, and then describing the diversity within her family which she described as a “little UN”. Through her diverse family, she learned about loving differences, about inclusiveness – which is really family, friends, folk, and community. In short, fostering environments where individuals are encouraged to feel they are valued and belong. Certainly, the atmosphere of the event was one of belonging and acceptance. Dr. Joel introduced a symbol beside the picture of her mother, open hands on which there is a heart – symbolic of her encouragement for us all to “Pay it forward with intentionality, with intensity, and fierce collaboration with open hearts”. She also shared how at a young age the humming of planes flying over captured her imagination and she developed her love for planes, intuiting that there is something about flight that is a humbling experience. She encouraged guests to “fly without wings, dream with open eyes and see in darkness” as that is much needed today because when “fears are grounded, dreams take flight”. Then dinner began, photos were taken and there was laughter and friendship among the guests. After Joel’s personal recognition of each Positively Powerful Woman Awards recipient, the presenters awarded each woman her trophy. The honorees’ authenticity and purpose struck a chord with us all. As I left Dorrance hall, reuniting myself with my comfortable shoes and walking to my car. Visitors were still milling around, enjoying the balmy breeze which fanned through the leaves of the trees. As I walked out, it came to me that even if I wasn’t feeling particularly happy when I went in (I was hot and hurried), the spirit of happiness was definitely in me when I came out. This feeling was endorsed by the quiet, perfect lift of the light cool leaf rustling breeze moving among the trees of the Desert Botanical Garden. I heard what seemed to me, the sigh of Spirit well pleased. A perfectly orchestrated and decorated event, contributing uplifting energy into the ether of the Universe – a mission of love and belonging accomplished and complete.

PPW Honorees: Lisa Loo, Jackie Wszalek, Fatimah Halim, MaryLynn Mack, Pastor Sheriolyn Curry Lasley, Choo Tay, Anna Maria Maldonado, Linda Herold, Dr. Joel Martin – PPW Founder, Dr. Pamela Williamson 2018 Honoree, Debbie Castaldo 2018 Honoree, Angela Hughey 2018 Honoree, Hong Yee Mei 2018 Honoree, Susan Casper – Emcee and Honoree. Photo by Elena and Jim