The Mandela Fellows and Dr. Joel Martin at ASU

Curiosity and Intuition: I recently read an article written by a colleague of mine who is project director at ASU about a program called the Mandela Fellows. Inspired, I asked about this program for young African leaders here in the U.S., what it was and how it was working out at the school.

Inquisitive: I followed up with the ASU Assistant Dean my colleague recommended.

Imagination Ignited “Yes, Of Course”: She asked if I would like to come down and meet the young African leaders. “Yes, of course.” When I arrived I was expecting a formal introduction and cordial conversation. Instead I found myself delivering an impromptu leadership development vision-based workshop to 25 new and inspiring friends from 20 African nations.

Contribute and Learn: The opportunity to be with these young people gave me insight into what was most important to them in visiting the U.S. They said building businesses, peace and security, teaching and education, disabilities, women’s leadership, girls in math, hiring and employment, IT, image building for Africa, sustainable environments, school and literacy, empowering youth through sports, film, art and culture, websites, access to education in remote areas….ending poverty and developing a post-Ebola Sierra Leone.

My contribution created additional and unexpected opportunities…possibly going to Africa to be a leadership trainer and coach. As a passionate leadership coach of 15+ years, I’ve advocated and taught clients around the world.

Where ever I am, I am: When I coach my clients, I begin with their vision in mind regardless of their age or nationality. Their goals and their dreams is the place I always start. I am committed to their commitment once the process starts. There are the deep and profound sometimes joyful and outrageous conversations. I ask questions, trusting my insight, to lead them to their break throughs. With the Mandela Fellows, I had a abbreviated process that gave them an experiential idea of what it might be like to live their goal thus giving the journey “towards it” one of anticipation for their accomplishment. As someone once said, “when we know why any what is possible.”

Join me for your own vision-specific coaching experience with me: 

  • July 23 for the first of Five Session Transformation Conference Calls 
  • To Be Scheduled: Contact me to learn whether 12 Call The Intense And Transformational One-To-One Coaching Relationship with me is a fit for you
  • On November 6th Complimentary Group Strategy Call

About the Mandela Fellows Program: President Obama launched the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) in 2010. ASU hosted 25 accomplished young professionals for a six-week civic leadership institute starting in June. The program is oriented to young leaders from sub-Saharan Africa who serve the public through non-governmental organizations, community-based nonprofits or volunteerism.